
Showing posts from January, 2020

Weighing up my chances.

As my path was turning so was my own mind.  The seed was planted and so was the one that was going to bring me further to my truth. Just like a seed that is planted in the ground, that seed starts growing. It depends on the temperature, the surroundings, the climate and how well the seed was handled in the first place for it to blossom. Chances come in many forms for each person but weighing them up is even harder to distinguish. Sometimes biting the bullet can be a chance for some and also a saviour for others.  Do not dwell too much on the chances as there will be timelines and formats, calculations and anything else that will keep you on your path for the foundation of what is meant to be. My last job, I sat there with my feet dangling in one corner and my mind in another. Why was I sitting in an office that resembled a torture chamber? It may not have really been that, but I was claustrophobic in there and had the walls engulfing me like they were going to wrap thei...