
Showing posts from June, 2020

An accomplishment within itself

  Children have an inept way of showing us their true colours. They can be a magnet of resilience or a detrimental configuration on themselves. Having the humour to keep them on their toes brings a sentiment we all need. Children are like sponges; they hear, see, compete and bring forth jurisdiction on what they want. Come time to clean the bathroom, they can’t hear. Come time to pick up their toys, what did we say? The meaning of the word NO also brings into consideration a lifetime of resentment from those little toes that keep working on a new solution. That solution is all about giving, all about finding a way to unleash the warrior in a stupendous way of love, hope and dreams.   This child of yours will find their own way of communicating to the world, a release and fragmented way of finding that cherished dream. Dreams are like fractions; they hold you steady until the next move hits you. They bolt you into the realism that no matter what we say, we are here to protect ...

The new way forward

Sometimes in life you just have to bite the bullet. It can be an accomplishment even thinking about it, but sometimes with a little nudge you are on your way forward. With guidance there comes respect, a respect to keep you on your toes. With that little bit of jurisdiction and deliberation, we all know that one person who shines on the outside. But in reality, they are shaking to the core believing their failures are out there for all to see.  I learnt a long time ago that having that belief system can be a trapping for success, it can shine in diversity and make you a stronger person. I believe the universe has your back. I froth at the mouth and divulge in all the pleasures that surround me when I can. That doesn’t mean all the time, there has to be realism to set the fire burning. That burning desire that can lead you on the road to redemption. Desire can take you to the higher mountains of success, it can reach that elopement of realisation that the world is...