Forgiving and forgetting.

Many times in your life there are people that hold a very special place in your heart. Cutting cords is something I have never thought about until I started my spiritual journey. Do you have a friend you have known all your life? Do you keep the friendship going because you have known them forever? You might grow apart and distance yourself, but that nagging feeling keeps you in that friendship circle.

 Cutting cords is hard with blood relatives and friendships, but are they serving you? Is it time to relinquish the guilt and subservience of their friendship and know that the time has come to think about yourself first? Do you need them in your life? Start with that, think about what happiness they bring to you. Think about if they are there for you when you need someone to call on or are they just a fair-weather friend?

Spiritualism has no bounds with the way we are when someone is hurting you. You may just be a shoulder for somebody to use and abuse you, in this instance it is time to cut the cord. You need all your strength and determination to get through your own day and not to have the life sucked out of you by a so-called friend or acquaintance.

It may be hard as you have had a lifelong connection. Truthfully there are friends out there whom you will meet one day that you will have a connection with that will come in the most unexpected ways. Remember having one true friend is better than having a handful of needy people by your side.

I have removed myself from a couple of friendships over the years. I knew that the connection had ended long before they did. Does it make you look like a mean-spirited person? Yes it could, but don’t lose hope about where you want to go. We all have the doubt of where we are going, but understand you are not alone in this struggle of trying to find your own feet. 

With the friendships come resistance and when I say resistance, I mean having a tough time of knowing where your true hearts desire is. I remember thinking I did not have the same values anymore but I did not want to be alone. I kept going out with these so-called friends just so I could have a social life. It made me drink more, be more unbearable and I ended up having lower self-worth. I just did not know it at the time. 

Looking back, I wish someone had told me this life lesson many years ago, but would I be where I am today if I was wrapped in a nice blanket and guided through life with roses dangling from every corner of my being?

Jacqui x


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