Slumber and the Awakening

The light dimmed slowly as I woke from my sleep. I could see the stirring of another person waking from their slumber. Who thought that living alone could make it so hard when guests slept the night? Having your own inconsistencies and living the life you want is not so bad. Slumber is a part of my life that I love. I love waking to my own tune and feeling like I can walk naked around the room while laughing and dancing to my own reflection. When the time comes to wake and slowly walk out of the room, that was a part of the day that I wanted to do all over again. 

Was I being greedy for wanting to hop back into bed with that magazine I had been wanting to read all week? I wanted my own time but knowing when to tread the line and welcome my guest into my abode takes compassion, sensitivity and a welcoming of hospitality. This is a reflection of my past but dreaming of living alone can be a wonderous sigh of relief for me when I need that space in the mornings. We are all very lucky to have that person in our life that wants to spend time with us. That person who comes into our lives and makes us a better person. That friend that takes time out of their own life to fulfil a need of compassion, love and sensitivity when we needed them there in the first place. 

When the time comes and you think about how the guest is partaking in strange routines and rituals, smile and continue on with your daily tasks. We are all weird in our own quirky ways. We all have failures of some sort that we don’t want to be highlighted. That is where friendships have a spark that fulfil us with hope, gratitude and a thankfulness that we can be who we really want to be. That represents someone that is whole. We have many flaws but also has many cherished abilities that come in handy when we are called to lift the other person up. That person is lying in your spare bed in the morning, when you would rather be reading your magazine and drinking a nice espresso.  

There are many instances in life where we lose that one. We love the one that will lift you higher than what you ever thought you could accomplish. Be aware that time has a lasting impact on the people left behind. We are all here to ward off our own insecurities and judgements. We are all here to rally around the next person wanting their own time and space. We are all here to muster enough courage to rant and rave when we don’t get our own way. And, we are here to congratulate the next person who can acknowledge that we are all in need of time, patience and peace when finding our way to the next stage. 


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