Words of wisdom

When that little voice inside of you tells you to do something, do you listen? Do you let that voice be placed in the gutter or do you actually listen to it? When the sounds of the words and visualisation appear before you, let it be taken to where you allow the freedom of the words to be expressed. Sometimes I still do not listen to the wise words that are pouring through me but I do know that what I am being told is part of the wonders of life. Intuition comes in many forms, listen to the sounds of the wind and the sounds of the breath when it echoes from your mouth. 

Forget about the rational mind, think about the question that you want answered. How can you go ahead and see what the answer is by being in the zone and by being part of what the mind can achieve? Do you ever see certain things in front of you? A street sign that explains exactly what you were thinking, a five cent piece in front of you, a feather that floats down from nowhere and those feelings that come over your body. Stop and realise that this this the moment that you need to accept. Training your mind to hear is hard. It is letting go of what you know and being in a completely different comfort zone to what you originally thought existed. Have you ever had a dark feeling about something that did not make sense at the time? Believe in your judgement. 

Having insecurities can bring a dampener to your life. Taking deep breaths and allowing the mind to work for you is what places people in a better and stronger world, where we know that life is being a beacon of strength. Light is a barrier to some when they can only see the negatives of what is in front of them. Who knew that the belief system would be such a high importance for your self esteem. Light comes in many forms and the stronger the light the more importance it offers to your self esteem and the rights to live a happy and carefree existence. 

Breathe, release and have comfort in the moment of true silence. Meditate on your question as this usually brings about a notion that the answer is there buried and ready to erupt in a visual and serene tone. Finding your thought pattern to be a tantalising experience can be a blessing. It can have many tones of laughter brought along by the utmost respect of someone close to you. Ask for their wisdom and ask them for the knowledge that they have. It might not be someone that you would normally turn to but know that we all have a small piece of ourselves that will help someone when they least expect it. Showing the knowledge and reverence for someone brings along another sense of enrichment and power that can change your life directly. 

Jacqui Ray


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