Words are so simple; they lift you up, they take away the pain and they parade you in front of the one person you truly desire. They help spread love, joy and hatred for all to see. Words are like fragmented pieces; you don’t know where they will lead until they find their place in the home. They turn the tide; they survive the stigma and they bolt you straight up when you need the strength to surrender. Going the distance with communication is less of a burden when you are prepared. Prepared for the backlash and less judgemental ways in which you recline your chair and take it all in your own stride.


Breathing in one’s desires holds a special commitment when worried about how you will be perceived. It will show you how to hold your head up and take that leap of faith. I know myself when it comes to the way I hold myself. I want to yell out and communicate in a way that would not be prolific or worthwhile in my own cause. It shows a timing and judgemental way that I am not proud of. I sometimes think I have taken away the judgemental aspects of my own personality. I show versatility in the way I approach subjects but deep down I still have the belittling aspect where I want to say something but hold my tongue.


That is a lesson in itself. Knowing what you know, understanding that the words that are about to explode out of my mouth are best kept in me. Kept in my mouth to dissolve into the universe. I hold no judgement, that’s what I say. But deep down, I fully have not learnt the real lesson. I am aware of life’s journeys, of their paths that take me from one place to another. It takes a mountain and it takes a hill to climb. Learning which one to conquer first is the real quest. I would rather climb the hill first as that is my limit for recovery. I know my limits; I know the timing that leads me when judging myself. Bringing forth a desire of knowledge is a sounding board for my own mental stability and judgement.


Joining in with subtleties is one courageous step I have taken. I may still be bold in what I say, but I think first. Well that is how I see it. I can laugh when I don’t take my own advice, that slip up is the hardest. The one true desire is to be taught how to stop the spread of malicious lies, to stop the fabrication of untruths and have them brought to my attention. That will never happen in this world but my ability to see clearly defines the person I am. The person that really wants the best for people, the magnitude is still coming and one day I will succumb to doubt and know that the real person is there in the making.


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