Sensing the need for Survival.

Finding solace in the unexplainable things was what brought me closer to finding my own truth. Holding onto that reality led me here. I was toppled over by grief too many times and now planting the seed for forgiveness took strength. It took a magnitude of emotions to get me here. My life was a parody of emotions living to its highest degree. The sabotaging brought justice on my part and I knew I could get over the hurt one more time. Now as I lay here, I wondered my mentality. Who was the one calling the shots? Who was the one bringing forth the change? 


It was me at the forefront of these emotions. Why couldn’t I just accept defeat and accept the lowest calibre that had entwined my body. That meant that I no longer accepted myself, I did not want to go there and swoop so low. There comes a certain point that makes you sink to that level and there comes a certain time when you say enough is enough. The volumes of paperwork that embody my emotions stand still; I am not giving in to those thoughts anymore. I had volumes of time to commit and now as the light turned into dark, I swooned around knowing I was safe. The church bells rang, I sensed it was time to move forward in that direction. 


Knowing that the longevity of commitment rang true, it saw another side of me. I had not been a believer before but now as I took the courage to step into the unknown, I knew my life would change. Believing in the afterlife brought courage, it brought commitment that was part of my calling. This was part of my life that shone. I shared that passion, the one that would drive me to fulfill my wishes. I divulged in a little secret, play your cards right and know the good from the bad. We all take that little card and sit on it at the right side of ourselves, the other side shows the shadow side. Now as the saying is part of the evolution, I can now claim victory for all I have done. 


To walk through my door, I would call you a friend. Friends come and go; they parade around in certain times and they hit you for six in others. They show the courage that only they can see coming. I have lovely friends to call on and now that the friendships grow each day, I long to be a good one as well. I long to cherish and walk through my own shadow to get there, to find a partnership in crime that belongs to only me. This is where I draw the line in the sand and say time is an important healer, the more you align with it, the more you get out of it. Drawing on my own strengths took time to digest and now I am here in all its glory.

Sibella Publications/Luminous Wisdom: SOPHIA/ Jacqui Ray. 


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