Making a change takes patience.

It’s that time of the year again when I think about what I could be doing. I want to sail around the world, I want to vacation on an exotic location made possible by private jets and I want my life to be a fairy tale with castles galore. Is that real life? Do I really need all of this to make myself happy? Happiness comes from within and really, I could be happy where I am right now. At home in a nice comfy chair reading a good book, being satisfied with life as it steams rolls ahead. I look, I hope, and I dream. I see that now is the perfect opportunity to dream while still maintaining a sensible head. My dreams have manifested into a book.

 I have never written a novel before but now as I sit at home, I have brought it up to the forefront of my emotions. I look at the bookshops with all the authors, all those dreams that have turned into a reality. Do I think that I am capable of writing a novel? Is it realistic to dream so big? To me, yes. Other people have grand plans and for all of them, I salute them. Dreams can be realistic to some but for others it is out of their league. I could not realistically see myself sailing around the world, but I could see myself writing what I know. Putting it out on paper, the moments that captured my imagination. 

These are good dreams that manifest in my mind. I can come to a conclusion that life is one big journey that takes you to monumental moments that you go ‘yes, I see’. I came to that conclusion at the end of last year. After the covid crisis, I realised that maybe there is a change happening for the good of man. Maybe there is a chance that somehow my motto of ‘life is good’ will be here for me no matter the outcome. I see it all around me, the desperate souls trying to rid themselves of their own lives for something better. I believe chipping away slowly brings forth change. It can’t happen in one fell swoop, but it can happen with patience, determination and courage. 

I see my world sliding into a new dawn. A dawn that can make my dreams manifest for the good of my family. My family is everything, my family keeps me grounded. My husband did not have a stable life growing up, and for the last 20 years together, I have had to install a sense of balance in our life. On his side though, he has instilled dreams for me that have made me realise there is more to life than just dreaming in small numbers. I need to keep a steady head on my shoulders for I want my son to be guided by both parents, knowing we are doing a good job no matter where life takes us. 

Jacqui Ray/Sibella Publications


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